

Kröv & Umgebung

Let yourself be enchanted by the Moselle flair and the picturesque Moselle landscape and experience unforgettable hours with a glass or two of Kröver wine!!

Whether by car, bus, bike, boat or on foot - thanks to its central location, Kröv is an ideal starting point for getting to know and love the Moselle region.

You can admire beautiful Art Nouveau buildings in Traben-Trarbach, be fascinated by the picturesque old town in Bernkastel Kues or enjoy the incomparable atmosphere in Trier's old town.

In addition, numerous wine and street festivals in Kröv and the surrounding area, the Moselle gastronomy and the various Moselle wines invite you to linger and enjoy.


Made famous by the famous wine "Kröver Nacktarsch", Kröv is one of the most important wine-growing towns on the Moselle. But Kröv also has a lot to offer in other respects. In addition to a fantastic Moselle promenade, Kröv also offers numerous opportunities for leisure activities. For example, you can explore the Moselle region on well-developed hiking and biking trails, walk the wine trail or visit a leisure facility with a heated outdoor pool.

Traben Trarbach

The small town of Traben-Trarbach is located to the left and right of the Moselle, at the foot of the Grevenburg and Mont Royal. Here you can admire various Art Nouveau and "Belle Epoque" buildings, explore the beautiful promenade and the Traben-Trarbach underworld and visit many other sights such as the bridge gate, the Grevenburg or the Mont Royal fortress. The Moseltherme invites you to relax with its bathing, sauna and wellness area.


Trier is the oldest city in Germany with more than 2,000 years of history. It is also often referred to as the center of antiquity. Once one of the largest metropolises in the Roman Empire, there is nowhere else in Germany where Roman times can be experienced like in Trier. Among other things, you can visit the Porta Nigra and the Constantine Basilica, explore the Imperial Baths and the Amphitheater or admire the Trier Cathedral. But you can also simply stroll through the beautiful old town and enjoy the special flair of this city with a cup of coffee or a good glass of wine.

Bernkastel Kues

Bernkastel Kues is also often referred to as the heart of the Middle Moselle. Experience the incomparable Moselle atmosphere of a picturesque old town full of history and culture! Here you can explore the city center with its winding streets, well-preserved half-timbered houses and interesting sights such as the historic market square, the Spitzhäuschen or the ruins of Landshut Castle. In addition, many shops with their interesting range invite you to enjoy looking and lingering.

Sightseeing of the town of Bernkastel-Kues
Visit to the town of Traben-Trarbach
Visit to Roman Trier with all its sights
Shipping on the Moselle
Hikes on the numerous and well-developed hiking trails along the Moselle
Bike tours along the Moselle loop
Excursion to the Mont Royal fortress with the nearby high ropes course
Excursion to the German Corner in Koblenz
Excursion to the gemstone factory Idar-Oberstein
Excursion to the Maaren in the Vulkaneifel, the eyes of the Eifel
Excursion to European Luxembourg
Excursion to the Hunsrück to the Geierlay suspension bridge

Herzlich. Gastfreundlich. Familiär.
Und mit bester Aussicht auf die Mosel.